Uncertainty Quantification

Decentralized Bayesian learning with Metropolis-adjusted Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

Aug 1, 2023

Reducing classifier overconfidence against adversaries through graph algorithms

Jul 1, 2023

Enhancing Resilience in Mobile Edge Computing Under Processing Uncertainty

Mar 1, 2023

The Methodological Pitfall of Dataset-Driven Research on Deep Learning: An IoT Example

Nov 1, 2022

URSABench: A System for Comprehensive Benchmarking of Bayesian Deep Neural Network Models and Inference Methods
URSABench: A System for Comprehensive Benchmarking of Bayesian Deep Neural Network Models and Inference Methods

URSABench is an open-source benchmarking suite for assessing Bayesian deep learning models and inference methods, focusing on uncertainty quantification, robustness, scalability, and accuracy in classification tasks for both server and edge GPUs.

Apr 1, 2022

Impact of Parameter Sparsity on Stochastic Gradient MCMC Methods for Bayesian Deep Learning

Feb 1, 2022

Scaling Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Inference for Bayesian Neural Networks with Symmetric Splitting
Scaling Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Inference for Bayesian Neural Networks with Symmetric Splitting

We introduce a new symmetric integration scheme for split Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) that enables efficient inference for Bayesian neural networks on large datasets. Our method outperforms stochastic gradient MCMC in accuracy and uncertainty quantification, demonstrating HMC as a viable option for large-scale machine learning problems.

Dec 1, 2021

Robust Decision-Making in the Internet of Battlefield Things Using Bayesian Neural Networks

Dec 1, 2021

Improving Differential Evolution through Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization

Jun 1, 2021

Trinity: Trust, Resilience and Interpretability of Machine Learning Models

Jan 1, 2021